Saif Ali Khan and family to lose properties worth Rs 15,000 crore?
The legal challenge is tied to Saif’s maternal grandfather, the Nawab of Bhopal, whose daughter migrated to Pakistan after Partition. Since Saif’s family is linked to this, the government is using this connection as the reason to seize the properties. Despite this, Saif is the grandson of the daughter who stayed in India, and he’s spoken about wanting to reclaim the family’s Pataudi Palace, which was leased out to a hotel chain years ago.
Saif has clarified that he never needed to buy back the Pataudi Palace because he already owned it. He now uses the palace as a summer retreat, and it’s also rented out for film shoots. His sister, Soha, recently shared some personal stories about the palace, including how it was built by their grandfather to impress his father-in-law, even though the construction ran out of funds midway.
On a different note, Saif made headlines recently after a break-in at his Mumbai home, where he bravely defended his family from an intruder. He sustained injuries during the altercation and required back surgery but was thankfully discharged from the hospital shortly after.